Today I went to the wake/viewing for Kevin's dad. It wasn't really what I expected...although I'm not really sure what I expected. I stayed for a couple hours and got to see my NY boys and Kelly from Boston, plus Jackie came (who lives in Arlington but I rarely see). We actually stood around and laughed a lot, talked about every random thing, but also paid our respects of course. I'm really glad I went...Izzo likes to give me crap about moving to NYC and sometimes I think it'd be pretty sweet to live up there and hang w/ him, Bob, Teich, and the crew. Don't know when I'll see most of them next, but regardless today was bittersweet.
Yesterday I hung out w/ Micah--just sat around talking and went to get a little lunch. That kid is my boy--he, like me, isn't totally sure what he wants to do next in life but has a lot goin on right now. I can relate with A LOT of the things he's going through--both good and bad. The highlight was him making me pay for the food 'cause I make more than him and have more in the bank, haha.
Got a short work week comin up--lookin forward to that. In desperate need of a haircut--hopefully manana. Just wrote a check for nearly $1,000--hopefully money well spent. That's all for now folks...
Life is good!