A picture is worth...

My blog was gettin' a little dry, so this post is just to break up all the text w/ some pictorials. As always, comments are welcome...
1) A group pic of us Manassholes gettin' our money's worth at the open bar at the Hilton.
2) Me and my boy WD-40 pregamin' in the hotel room before the party.
3) Me and Walter at New Year's in DC...everything's becoming hazy at this point.
So in one photo I'm smiling, in one I'm tryin' to be gangsta, and in the other I look like a deer in headlights. Which do you like most?
KhalilG is a DC-area blogger who is probably the least photogenic person alive.
Not to brag or boast, but notice that now, since I stopped putting my own blogs in your comments, you have exactly.... 0 comments on your posts in over a month.
Blog's dead K. Put it in the grave and maybe start a new one cause this shit is dead as a doornail.
Fuckin dead.
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